Home Salsa is a perfect accompaniment to nachos, burritos or any other mexican food.

Salsa is a common ingredient in Mexican cuisine, served as a condiment with tacos, stirred into soups and stews, or incorporated into fillings.
Home Salsa is a perfect accompaniment to nachos, burritos or any other mexican food.
Dietary Information
Nutritional Information
Typical values* | per Serving | contents |
Total Energy | 64 Kcal | |
Protein | 5% | 3 Kcal |
Fat | 50% | 32 Kcal |
Carbohydrates | 45% | 29 Kcal |
Salsa, in Spanish, simply means "sauce" and can take a variety of forms. Pico de gallo (aka salsa fresca) is a type of salsa made with chopped fresh tomatoes and onions, cilantro, fresh chilis, lime juice, and salt. With its chunky nature and relatively low amount of liquid, pico de gallo is a lot like a relish in texture. Salsa fresca is fresh salsa made with tomatoes and hot peppers. Salsa verde is made with cooked tomatillos and is served as a dip or sauce for chilaquiles, enchiladas, and other dishes. Chiltomate is a widely used base sauce made of tomatoes and chiles. The type of pepper used for chiltomate varies by region, with fresh green chiles being more common than habanero in Chiapas. Tamales are often identified according to the type of salsa they are filled with, either salsa verde, salsa roja, salsa de rajas, or salsa de mole.